Shake That Weight ™ • 8th March 2019 • 6 years ago
How to take a good progress photo and why it is important

Taking photos of your weight-loss journey might not be particularly appealing for many people, and some will do anything to avoid being in front of a camera!
However, the psychological aspect of losing weight is hugely important, and progress photos can actually play an integral part in helping you shed those pounds.
Why are progress photos a good idea?
When dieting, it’s all too easy to become obsessed with the numbers on the scales. Getting that number down is often important but it’s not everything. Our ultimate goal shouldn’t be the numbers on the scale, but rather those on the tape measure or the waist size of your jeans.
By actually seeing physical evidence of your weight-loss over a period of time can show you that your diet is working, even when it feels like it’s not, and give you that confidence boost to keep going.
Looking down at ourselves or even looking in the mirror can be deceptive and not show the whole picture, but comparing progress photos will show just where you’ve lost weight and prove how fantastic you’re doing.
No-one else has to see the photos; they can just be for your own motivation – although if you do share them then they can be motivation for others as well!
How to take progress photos
There’s actually a knack to taking decent weight loss progress photos. Here are our top tips…
Take photos from three different angles
You can’t get a true idea of your progress if you just take a photo of your front or your side. You can lose weight from just about any part of your body, so it’s important to take photos from three different angles – front, back and side.
Use natural light
Artificial lights aren’t always the most flattering and, unless you’re a photography whizz, can play havoc with your photos. So while you should ensure there’s enough light in the room, try and ensure it’s natural light where possible.
Wear appropriate clothing
You can’t see if you’ve lost weight if you’re covered up in baggy clothing, so wear items that show off your body. For men, a pair of shorts or underwear and no shirt is best, and for women, a bikini, shorts or underwear is also fine. You should also try and always take the photos wearing the same clothes for consistency. If you’re the only one going to see the photos you are best to take them in the buff for a true reflection and consistency.
Keep it natural
Your photos should be an accurate reflection of how you look and how much weight you’re losing, so keep them as natural as possible. Don’t manipulate the photos with filters or be tempted to suck your tummy in – just stand straight and get snapping.
Take a full-body photo at eye level
Position yourself in the middle of the frame and try and get your full body in shot. This means no selfies and no mirror shots! Try setting up your camera on a tripod and set a timer on the camera to give you chance to get in position. Obviously it’s even easier if you can get someone to take the photos for you!
Take regular photos
It’s important to take photos at regular intervals to keep an accurate track of your progress. However, you don’t want to take them too regularly or you might not actually notice much difference because the changes will only be minimal. Once a month is about right – set a reminder on your phone so you don’t forget.