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Hi, I'm a newbie to Shake That Weight. I have previously been on The New You Plan and lost 2 stone and then found this diet. Due to an all inclusive holiday I've gained some of the weight back but want to restart again. So on The New You Plan I had 4 packs a day and 1 of their snacks (protein crisps or wafer bars) and upto 4 litres of water a day which I could add only their water flavourings too. We could also make up jellies with water flavourings and gelatine which kept hunger at bay. Is The Shake that weight the same. Sorry I have read info on each Plan but it's alot to take in. I just want to make sure I know what I'm doing before I order. My aim is to do the Total Plan but then if we have an event planned or go out for a meal can I have my packs then a low calorie meal instead. Thank you for reading and sorry for all the questions x ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Hey That's absolutely fine, you can use no added sugar squash if you want to. Good luck 🥰

Hi, I started this diet last weds, have been doing 4 products a day! The last few days I have been feeling nauseous and like I need to burp. Has anyone else experienced this and did it get better after a while? Thanks ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago

What food can ypu eat along side the shakes. I'm doing shake, soup amd then looking for a tea. X ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago

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Anything really if low cal and within your calories or low carb if your doing that. Chicken salad, omelette, chicken and veg, salmon, roasted veg. I think the website gives some examples

I had tuna steak and salad for tea, it was beautiful and really low calorie x

Type into Google,Pinterest and the BBC good food website 400 calorie low carb high protein meal ideas or people use the pinch of nom Loads of great things you can have

Do Sweetners affect weight loss? I take them in my hot drinks, struggling to drink without them. ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago

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No they don't

Week 1 -8.5lbs ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago

7 CommentsComment on Facebook

Absolutely brilliant, well done! X

Brilliant well done 👏

Brilliant 👏

Well done. Great first week

Well done...fantastic start 💪

Brilliant....that's exactly what I lost too lol 😂😅

Amazing !!! Xx

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Officially got 4 stone off today! (Not official weigh day!) I’m so happy!! ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago

32 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done 👏 xxx

Well done 💯

Congratulations. You look great. Xx

Fantastic!! Well done x

Wow, congratulations! Did you do the three meal plan? Sorry to ask 🙏

Well done Zena 🙌🙌 you are smashing it ❤️ the transformation is real xx

Fabulous well done 👏

Amazing, you look fantastic! You must be so proud of yourself. Properly spurs me on to give this a real go...on day 4 only but so determined 💪

Zena Taylor do you drink plain water or put sugar free squash in it?

Amazing 👏 well done

Fantastic 👏❤️


Well done ✔ 💕💕💕

Well done !! Xx

Well done 👏 xx

Wow!!! Amazing! Well done you and thanks for sharing to give inspiration to us newbies! 👏👏👏

Amazing 🤩

Well done looking great you must feel amazing 😍

Well done, that is a great achievment. You should be so proud of yourself. You look amazing and your smils says it all! Thanks for posting. 😁🩷


well done! four stone makes such a difference.

Jade Danielle Parish

That’s brilliant well done!! You must be chuffed :) xx

That’s absolutely amazing well done! 🎉 I know how hard it is to loose 3.5 stone and I am full of admiration at your achievement and wish you every success with your continued weight loss journey💕

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Officially got 4 stone off today! (Not official weigh day!) I’m so happy!!Image attachmentImage attachment

Day one for me 😃 started off with the cheese omelette, with added fresh chives’ anyone else started today? ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago

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I did. Have had 2 shakes so far and 1.5 litres water. Having pancakes tonight and then a bar with tea....then bed.

Week 1 = 4lb loss

I’m happy with that as I’m a bit of a slow loser (sounds like I’m disrespecting myself 😂).

Onwards - 1st 4lb to go!
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5 months ago

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I lose weight very slowly too. I don't know why

Well done I am a slow loser this time round too. Better than putting on 💕🙏🏻 xx

Woo hoo fab loss

As I get older my weight seems to get slower coming off

Brilliant 👏

Well done 👍 , I am on my second week and down 1st 3 lb ( guess I am a lucky one who can loose quick) . Keep going and don’t give up 👍

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Week 2 weigh in 6lb loss 😃 12lbs total, delighted with that ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago

7 CommentsComment on Facebook

💥 amazing ! Week 2 is usually my hardest (I am in week 2)… well done 👏

Well done 👏🏻 xx

Fab,well done xx

Brilliant well done! X

Is all that with shake a weight

Amazing 👏

Nice consistent loss, you must be chuffed 😀

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Do the chocolate shakes actually contain cocoa? I can't have cocoa due to migraines, tia 🤗 xx ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

All the ingredients are on the website for you 💕

Chocolate Coconut bars - thoughts? ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago

18 CommentsComment on Facebook

I liked them

One of my favourites.

Didn’t like first one I had but second week my taste buds must have changed because it tasted ok

Love em. Not keen on the strawberry ones though - they broke my tooth off 😫

I don’t mind them but prefer the lemon and chocolate peanut x

There alright ..they remind of a bounty bar, although I do prefer the dark chocolate and the chocolate peanuts bars personally

The only bars I do like out of the range. Remind me of the Coconut Quality Street. Each to our own I guess.

Yum...tho the caramel ones r lush

Love them.

Tried 7 different bars now and like them all. Find them really filling as well. Great out of the fridge.

Loved it

Love 🥰


Love them 🩷

I love them. Very similar to quality street coconut treats. Also very filling. I'm not a great lover of dark chocolate, or really rich and dense chocolate, so this is the one for me. I've tried all the bars, but will probably only buy this one again.

My favourite

I like them, surprised as dont like bounty.

Love them xx

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Hi all, I started this diet on Wednesday, 4 products a day. I wondered if anyone has 3 products with a 200 cal Meal and if so what type of food are you eating? And did you still get good results? It’s all quite expensive and just looking at ways to save. Thanks ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago

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I fast from 8pm till noon have one shake and a 400 ish calorie meal . I could have another shake if I’m hungry I eat chicken meals ie with noodles or rice and a sauce to flavour or omelettes sometimes a slimming ready meal but I add either salad or lots of veg. I also have a skinny bar as a treat . Good luck

I have a a product for breakfast a product for lunch and a 400 cal meal as it gives you more scope, and it’s still a very low calorie intake

Hey You could do the meal plan Have a look at the plans on the website and have a good read through and any questions please ask 🥰

I have a cooked breakfast and a product for lunch and dinner

Nice, when you say cooked breakfast do you mean bacon, eggs, tomato mushrooms just no carbs?

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Hi everyone! I am starting the shake that weight diet tomorrow morning! Have ordered shakes, noodles and soup. I am T2D and read that this helps with the losing of weight and the lowering of blood sugars so am going to try this. Is there any tips that may help? I assume I can switch between shakes, soups and noodles by keeping to 800 calories a day ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago

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Hi! How long have you been T2D? My hubby was diagnosed back in Feb and he is a week into the NHS shakes/porridges/soups diet to get him in remission.

Hi, good luck, I'm on day 5! It's the first diet I feel able to stick to. Yes you can have any 4 products each day. Just mix and match between shakes, bars and meals. This group is great for support and motivation xx

Good luck with it. I am starting on Tuesday. Let’s do this together. I’m nervous of failing but so excited at the prospect of loosing the excess weight. I am so miserable at the moment, feeling very down on myself.

I’ve been on the plan for a week and have found I like the porridges and meals the most as they look substantial in the bowl and are quite filling. Keeping a few bars to hand though for out and about. Good luck! I’ve lost 8lbs in first week, happy with that! X

Hi all...bit the bullet and ordered 84 bars today 😅 need something to kick me up the backside and get me going (can't do soups or shakes they make me gagg).
I'm the biggest I've ever been, not weighed myself but assuming about 20 stone 😪
I will weigh on the day they arrive and start a proper track on the 800 plan.

Looking forward to being part of this group as it's going to be a while before this weight is shifted...positive it will go though 💪
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5 months ago

10 CommentsComment on Facebook

Good luck, you have got this!! Drink lots and lots of water!! 😃

Good luck, I'm waiting for my first order too. Just want to get started now I've ordered. xx

You can do this Joanne! Making the decision to start is a huge step in itself and you will get there eventually 🥰 x

I don’t like any of the bars but like the the other stuff love this sachets of dried food, like the spaghetti Bolognese in the cottage pie

Started today had a banana and white chocolate and raspberry shake not felt hungry

Good luck. I'm on day two ...I only had one flavour until delivery arrived today so hoping I like a lot of it X

Same situation here. I’ve just done an order and need to start this properly as of tomorrow. I’ve half arsed it a few times now and not really got anywhere. Time to go for it. If you fancy buddying up to help each other I’m game. X

I’ve just done week 1. Like you I can’t stand milkshakes and have to down them. I don’t think you’re meant to have more than 2 bars a day so I would recommend getting some of the meals - spaghetti Bol and chicken curry are my preferred so far. Nice to have something with texture and not be sweet….

Good luck! The pancakes are lovely and so is the spag bol if you need to mix it up a bit as you go along. The vanilla shake is like a McDonald’s milkshake 😂 and I warm the caramel one up and have it with black coffee x

Good luck im starting tomorrow when my delivery comes. X

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Tried this diet a year ago but didnt have the right support network around me and lacked personal willpower so i failed....... Back on it with a strong mindset and good support network ...... Week 1 and i am 6lb off!!! .... i found drinking the water hard and used decaf black coffee to help top it up. Determined to shift my 6stone weight gain im carrying around. ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago

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That is a fantastic start...well done!!! I'm on my first week and never tried this before. Also got 6 stone to loose 😅 First weigh in on Wednesday 🤞

I’m starting tomorrow eeeek!!!

Well done, fab loss 👏

Amazing Well done you You can only fail if you stop trying Have no added sugar squash if you want to, milk in coffee is fine too Xx

Brilliant 🤩

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