Shake Club

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Convert your loyalty points to cash to spend on any of our products.

We love our members. Enjoy a birthday gift as a thank you for your loyalty.

Earn points to reach new levels and unlock exciting rewards and benefits.

Swap your loyalty points for exciting rewards, to spend in the Members shop

Share the love! Refer a friend and you both receive a £5 voucher for each new member you bring in.

Become a Platinum VIP member and enjoy a £25 voucher, plus double loyalty points for every £1 you spend.

Dowload our app now and begin earning points with every purchase 

Members Shop

Gives you access to swap loyalty points for exclusive discounts on any products. Unlock more discounts as you level up.


Gives you access to swap loyalty points for exclusive discounts on any products. Unlock more discounts as you level up.

Go Platinum

Become a Platinum VIP Member and earn double points
on every purchase... because loyalty pays!

Become a Platinum VIP Member and earn double points
on every purchase... because loyalty pays!

Take your rewards further. A breakdown of our loyalty levels!


Bronze Level


Silver Level


Gold Level


Platinum VIP

*Limited to your account (cannot be shared). Valid for 60 days. Min spend of £30 applies


  1. Signup for an account here. Existing members login here
  2. Complete your purchase
  3. Your loyalty points will be automatically applied to your account within 24 hours

Each point is worth €0.01 off your order
  1. Login to your account here
  2. Add your items to the cart
  3. On the cart page, you can enter the number of points you wish to redeem
  4. Click the 'redeem' button to apply your loyalty points

  1. Login to your account here
  2. You will see a total balance of your points

Points are valid for 12 months past the order date. You will recieve an email reminder 30 days before expiry.
A British classic! 🇬🇧✨Our Blackcurrant Water Flavouring lets you quench your thirst the sensible way - zero sugar, no nasties, just pure flavour. 🍇💧With 20 servings per tub, it’s the perfect way to jazz up your daily water intake without the guilt.Ditch the sugary squash and sip smarter! 😋🥤🎥- @blakeichonmounjaro#water #waterflavouring #drink
At Shake That Weight, your health and happiness are at the heart of everything we do. Our extensive range of tasty meal replacements is designed to make your journey easier, and we’re always creating new, nutritious, and flavorful options to keep things exciting. 🙌Whether you’re following one of our structured plans or simply incorporating our products into your own routine, we’re here to support you every step of the way. 💙🎥 - @joannahealthdiaryReady to begin? Visit or tap the link in our bio today! 😃
At Shake That Weight, our top priority is helping you become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself. With our huge range of delicious meal replacements, we’re always working behind the scenes to create new, innovative, nutritious and tasty recipes to support your journey. 🙌Whether you’re following one of our plans or incorporating our products into another diet, we’re here to support you every step of the way. 💙Head over to or click the link in our bio to start your journey today! 😃
We promise we won’t tell your Nonna either! 😉🙌Are you looking for a diet that not only gives you results but also keeps you full and gives you a wide range of delicious shakes, meals and sweet treats? 👀😋Head over to or click the link in our bio! 🙌🎥 - @purelymarco#mealreplacement #shakethatweight
Hydration, but make it flavourful! 😍💧Drinking water doesn’t have to be boring - our delicious, sugar-free water flavourings bring a burst of taste without the nasties! ✨🍊 Lemon & Orange – A zesty twist on the classic citrus combo, with a sharp zing to keep your taste buds refreshed! 🍋🍇 Blackcurrant – A quaint British favourite, packed with rich, fruity flavour - without the sugar overload! 💜Stay hydrated the sensible way - no sugar, no junk, just flavour. 🚫🥤Which one are you trying first? 👀👇Head over to www.shake that or click the link in our bio! 🙌#shakethatweight
Craving a quick and delicious meal? 🍲Our Vegetable Soup is the perfect choice! Packed with your favorite veggies like carrots , spinach, leeks, asparagus, celery, and onion , it’s a healthy powerhouse of protein, fats, fiber, carbs, vitamins , and minerals. 🥕🥦🥔With 16.2g of protein per serving and 20+ essential nutrients, it keeps you full, helps curb cravings, and fuels your body with the good stuff. 💪🙌Head over to or click the link in our bio! 😃#HealthyEats #QuickMeals #VeggieSoup #ProteinPacked #GlutenFree